Pigment Red 254-Corimax Red BOH
Pigment Red 254 is a very opaque, bright medium shade red with excellent overall properties. Corimax Red BOH is coloristically yellower and cleaner.
Technical parameters of Pigment red 254
Színindexszám | Pigment Red 254 |
Termék név | Corimax Red BOH |
Termékkategória | Szerves pigment |
CAS szám | 84632-65-5 |
EU-szám | 402-400-4 |
Vegyi család | pirroiCH |
Molekuláris tömeg | 357.19 |
Molekuláris képlet | C18H10CI2N2O2 |
PH érték | 7 |
Sűrűség | 1.5 |
Olaj abszorpció (ml / 100 g)% | 40 |
Könnyű szilárdság (bevonat) | 7-8 |
Hőállóság (bevonat) | 200 |
Könnyű (műanyag) | 7 |
Hőállóság (műanyag) | 280 |
Vízállóság | 5 |
Olajállóság | 5 |
Savas ellenállás | 5 |
Lúg ellenállás | 5 |
Szín | ![]() |
Színárnyalat-eloszlás |
Corimax Red BOH is a high performance pigment, middle opacity, with outstanding fastness properties. It is recommended for all application.
Autófestékekhez, építészeti bevonatokhoz, tekercsbevonathoz, ipari festékekhez, porbevonatokhoz, nyomda pasztákhoz, PVC, gumi, PS, PP, PE, PU, ofszet festékekhez, vízbázisú festékekhez, oldószeres festékekhez, UV festékekhez ajánlott.
Corimax Red BOH finds applications in water based and solvent based inks. Due to the excellent heat stability, Pigment Red 254 makes a suitable colorant for use in various plastic applications such as PVC, HDPE, polystyrene, polyester spin dyeing, polyolefins, rubber and other areas.
MSDS(Pigment Red 254)Kapcsolódó információ
Pigment Red 254 is the first DPP variety put on the market in 1986. It gives a neutral red color, has excellent solvent resistance, and has a light fastness of 8 grades. It is mainly used in automotive primers. Its flocculation can be improved by adding additives. In order to reduce costs, it can be mixed with CI Pigment Red 170, which has stronger blue light but lower light resistance. It can also be mixed with quinacridone. Transparent blue light red; also widely used for plastic (PVC, PS, polyolefin, etc.) coloring, heat resistance in HDPE (1 / 3SD) 300 ℃ / 5min.
aliases:C.I.Pigment Red 254; Bright Red [SE, WN]; Ferrari Red*; Blockx Red [BL]; Chinese Red, vermillion (hue) [SI]; Irgazin DPP Red BO [KP]; Lukas Red [LK]; Matisse Red Light [MT]; Naphthol Red Medium? [RT]; Permanent Red [RT]; Permanent Red Deep [CH, RT; Bis-(p-chrolopheny)-1.4-diketopyrrolo(3.4-c)pyrrole; pigment red 254; Plasco red 254; 3,6-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione
Molekuláris felépítés:
Pigment Red 254 is a semi-transparent bright moderate red diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) pigment for the use in OEM paints, deco paints, plastics coloring, powder coatings and inks. Pigment Piros 254 has an excellent color strength, fastness to light and solvents. One type of Corimax Red BOH can be used in a wide variety of applications like inks, master batch and coatings. In plastic application there is a high thermal stability (DIN 12877) of 300 °C.
ZEYA manufactures and distributes fine chemicals with quality you can count on including those with CAS number 84632-65-5, You can be assured that all Pigment Red 254 products offered by ZEYA, meet or exceed the grade requirements or specifications for each individual product.